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- Section D, page D-1
- By Billy Cox, FLORIDA TODAY staff
- With the 25th anniversary of Apollo-14 coming up, the sixth man to walk on the
- moon hopes to swing the spotlight onto a more contemporary agenda -- pressing
- for the declassification of government records on unidentified flying objects.
- If his suspicions are true, former astronaut Edgar Mitchell says the lid of
- secrecy engages nothing less than "criminal culpability".
- Mitchell, 65, returned to the Space Coast recently to do location shots for an
- "NBC Dateline" retrospective on the Apollo 14 adventure.
- At the highlight of that mission -- Jan. 31-Feb. 9, 1971 -- Mitchell and Alan
- Shepard spent 33 hours roving the desolate lunar hills of Fra Mauro.
- It was there that Mitchell first courted an avant-garde reputation by
- conducting off-the-clock mental telepathy experiments by transmitting symbolic
- images to an acquaintance in Chicago. Shortly thereafter, Mitchell left the
- astronaut corps and founded the Institute for Noetic Sciences in an effort to
- integrate various scientific disciplines into the study of human consciousness.
- Mitchell's upcoming book, "The Way of Explorers", will address the latest
- research upon its release in April. Perhaps because of the imminent publicity,
- Mitchell found himself invited to a private meeting of former
- government/military officials hoping to recruit his visibility for their most
- peculiar campaign.
- "These were people who, in their official capacity, had an opprtunity in the
- course of their duties to have ET (extraterrestrial) contact," Mitchell says.
- "The purpose of the meeting was not to convince anybody else of their stories,
- but to get people released from their security oaths with regard to these
- phenomena. Given who they were, and their credentials, I have to tell you it
- pushed my confidence level up five notches."
- Taking a break from the NBC taping, the MIT-educated former Navy captain
- relaxed at the Villa Roma restaurant in Rockledge and rolled his own imported
- tobacco. He expressed his "total disbelief" in a recent U.S. Air Force report
- attributing the alleged crash of an ET spacecraft in New Mexico in 1947 to a
- classified military balloon.
- Last summer, the General Accounting Office announced the failure of its
- 18-month effort to acquire the dispensation records of the debris
- from that celebrated event. In 1994, the Air Force admitted that it initially
- lied about the wreckage in order to conceal a balloon-based
- nuclear-monitoring system called Project Mogul. But -- unable to produce the
- paperwork on the retrieval in question -- USAF officials based their case on
- circumstantial arguments.
- ...
- "I am convinced there is a small body of valid (UFO) information, and that
- there is a body of information 10 times as big that is total disinformation put
- out by the source to confuse the whole issue," says Mitchell.
- "The information is now held primarily by a body of semi- or quasi-private
- organizations that have kinda spun off from the military intelligence
- organizations of the past. Just like we build a rocket through a private
- contractor, there have been private groups involved with this issue for a
- number of years because they have the expertise.
- "The dangerous part is, they're still operating under a black budget, which has
- been estimated at over $30 billion a year. And nobody knows what goes into
- black budgets. The prime requisite is security first and everything else
- second. Imagine an organization that has a black budget, an unquestioned source
- of funds, reports to no one, and has this exotic technology that they can keep
- to themselves and play with."
- ...
- Mitchell, Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper, and some 20,000 Americans have
- signed the Roswell Declaration, a grass-roots petition calling for an executive
- order to release UFO documents to the public. Mitchell, however, stresses he
- has no first-hand knowledge of the existence of recovered ET artifacts. And
- during his Apollo-era training, the subject of UFOs never arose.
- "NASA at that time was so sure there were no such things, there was no
- discussion of it," he says. "I would say, however, that if there was knowledge
- of ET contact existing within the government, and we were sent into space blind
- and dumb to such information, I think it it a case of criminal culpability."
- "To send us up there? Into a what-if scenario? If the evidence is real, and we
- were led to believe no such thing was possible? To me, that's criminal."
- ...
- He says he's looking forward to the discussions his new book will generate.
- "We're talking about a revolution. It's a mind-blower."
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